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Drying Fruits & Vegetables Self-Test

Answer True or False to each statments

FALSE - If the temperature was 175°F, case hardening could occur where the outside of the food dries hard before the inside moisture can escape. Keep the temperature around 140°F for best results.

FALSE - Blanching vegetables before drying destroys enzymes, not bacteria.

TRUE - Prop the oven door open to maintain the low temperature and let moisture escape during drying.

FALSE - While foods are warm, there are moisture droplets on them. Cool first, then test to avoid over-drying.
TRUE - Avoid galvanized screening as it will impart a metallic taste, can discolor vegetables and may be toxic when acid foods are dried.
TRUE - All sun-dried foods should be pasteurized (heat on trays in 150°F oven for 30 minutes or put in freezer for 48 hours) before storing to destroy insects and their eggs.
TRUE - Check stored foods frequently to be sure they remain dry and to avoid spoilage from mold growth.
TRUE - Mold is a sign of spoilage. Discard dried food with any sign of mold.
FALSE - Choose fruit for drying that is of the highest quality, fresh and ripe. Overripe fruits are mushy when dried.

TRUE - Properly dried foods reconstitute well. They return to approximately their original size, form and appearance and retain much of their aroma and flavor.